Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Le disque dur externe est un élément indispensable pour transporter et sauvegarder ses données. Lequel choisir ? Réponse dans ce comparatif de 25 modèles 2,5/3,5 pouces.

Introduction, tableau des meilleurs HDD externes

Ce mois-ci, nous en profitons pour ajouter deux modèles à notre comparatif, portant à 25 le nombre total de disques durs externes testés :
– Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To
– Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To

Basés sur le même disque dur Toshiba MQ04UBB400, les deux Canvio affichent des performances honorables pour des modèles au format 2,5 pouces.

Image 1 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Parmi les accessoires du geek, le disque dur externe tient une place de choix. Au format 2,5″, il est petit, léger et toujours disponible pour sauvegarder un document important, transporter les photos des dernières vacances aux amis ou tout simplement étendre la capacité de stockage de son ordinateur portable. Au format 3,5″, il servira de support de sauvegarde, de stockage partagé sur un routeur, etc. Mais lequel choisir ? Éléments de réponse dans ce comparatif de 25 modèles USB 3.0/3.1 au format 2,5 et 3,5 pouces.

Notez également que les résultats de notre précédent dossier sont toujours accessibles ici.

Tableau récapitulatif des meilleurs disques durs externes de notre comparatif

Indice de performances global Tom’s Hardware

Afin de classer les disques durs externes de notre sélection, il nous a fallu mettre au point un indice global des performances : celui-ci est basé sur les résultats des tests de chacun des modèles, en tenant compte des performances en accès séquentiels en lecture et en écriture, mais également en accès aléatoires (toujours en lecture et en écriture) et en accordant autant d’importance, c’est à dire de « poids », à chacun de ces paramètres. L’ensemble est ensuite rapporté en pourcentage des performances atteintes par le modèle le plus rapide, ce qui nous donne un indice global sur 100.

// GalaxieMediaGraphs script v0.19.0316 // © 2019 Galaxie Media Tous droits réservés google.charts.load(‘current’, {‘packages’:[‘corechart’,’controls’]}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawMainDashboard); function drawMainDashboard() { // ====================== // Variables du graphique // ====================== var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ [”, ‘Indice’, { role: ‘annotation’ }], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,36.4,”36,4″], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,37.1,”37,1″], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,36.7,”36,7″], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,37.8,”37,8″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,36.6,”36,6″], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,36.4,”36,4″], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,39,”39″], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,38.9,”38,9″], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,48.3,”48,3″], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,40.7,”40,7″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,40.2,”40,2″], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,45,”45″], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,60.4,”60,4″], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,43.9,”43,9″], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,54.4,”54,4″], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,49.2,”49,2″], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,49.9,”49,9″], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,49.7,”49,7″], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,62.6,”62,6″], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,99.7,”99,7″], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,63.6,”63,6″], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,100,”100″], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,53.7,”53,7″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,60.6,”60,6″], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,58.2,”58,2″], ]); var HauteurGraphique = 1100; var TailleTexteOrdonnee = 14; var EspaceOrdonnee = 210; var TailleTexteEtiquettes = 18; var TailleTexteLegende = 14; var AffichageLegende = “none” // bottom, none var TitreChoixListe = “GPU(s) Sélectionné(s):”; var NomDivDashboard = “dashboard_div1”; var NomDivChoixListe = “ProductPicker_div1”; var NomDivChart = “chart_div1”; // Affichage du menu en haut : true / false var AffichageMenu = false; // Choix du Design : THFR / TGU var SiteGalaxieMedia = “THFR”; // ============================== // Fin des variables du graphique // ============================== // PseudoResponsive if (document.body.clientWidth < 600) { TailleTexteOrdonnee = 12; EspaceOrdonnee = 180; TailleTexteEtiquettes = 14; TailleTexteLegende = 12; HauteurGraphique -= 100; }; document.getElementById(NomDivChart).style.height = HauteurGraphique + "px"; // On extrait la première colonne de l'array 2D var Produits = data.getDistinctValues(0); // On prend les bonnes couleurs suivant le design if (SiteGalaxieMedia == "THFR") { var DesignColor = "#d92428"; }else{ var DesignColor = "#279bf8"; }; var dashboard = new google.visualization.Dashboard( document.getElementById(NomDivDashboard)); var ProductPicker = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({ 'controlType': 'CategoryFilter', 'containerId': NomDivChoixListe, 'dataTable': data, 'options': { 'filterColumnIndex': 0, 'ui': { 'caption': TitreChoixListe, 'labelStacking': 'vertical', 'label': '', 'allowTyping': false, 'allowMultiple': true, 'allowNone': false, //'selectedValuesLayout': 'belowStacked' }, }, 'state': {'selectedValues': Produits} }); var BarChart = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({ 'chartType': 'BarChart', 'containerId': NomDivChart, 'options': { 'isStacked': 'false', 'enableInteractivity': 'false', 'width': '100%', 'height': HauteurGraphique, 'colors': [DesignColor], 'chartArea': {'width': '100%', height: '90%', left: EspaceOrdonnee}, 'backgroundColor' : {fillOpacity: 0.0}, 'bar': {groupWidth: '80%'}, // Espacement entre les groupes de barres 'fontName': 'Calibri', // Police par défaut 'annotations': {textStyle: {fontSize: TailleTexteEtiquettes, bold: true}}, 'axisTitlesPosition': 'out', 'hAxis': { textPosition: 'none', minValue: 0}, 'vAxis': {textStyle: {color: 'black', fontSize: TailleTexteOrdonnee, bold: true}}, 'legend': {position: AffichageLegende, alignment: 'center', maxLines : 2, textStyle: {fontSize: TailleTexteLegende, color: 'black'}}, 'animation': {duration: 500, easing: 'inAndOut', startup: true} }, 'view': {'columns': [0, 1, 2]} }); dashboard.bind([ProductPicker], [BarChart]); // tri par colonne 1, desc data.sort({column: 1, desc: true}); dashboard.draw(data); // On cache le menu if (AffichageMenu == false) { document.getElementById(NomDivChoixListe).style.display = "none"; }; };

Pour la petite histoire, les modèles de Sony utilisent un disque dur Toshiba, ceux de Buffalo embarquent un disque dur Toshiba ou WD, tandis que les produits de G-Drive embarquent un (ou deux) disque(s) dur(s) HGST.

Bien choisir son disque dur externe

Pour bien choisir un disque dur externe, il importe de savoir de quoi on parle. Commençons par démystifier l’objet : un disque dur externe n’est qu’un disque dur interne SATA classique habillé par un boîtier. Par conséquent, la kyrielle de marques vendant des disques externes ne font qu’intégrer dans une jolie coque un disque fabriqué par l’un des trois constructeurs restant au monde : Seagate, Western Digital et Toshiba. Tout un chacun peut faire la même chose et assembler son propre disque dur externe à partir d’un disque dur SATA et d’un boîtier contenant un contrôleur transformant l’interface SATA en un bus externe comme l’USB.

Néanmoins, acheter un disque “tout fait” présente des avantages. Les marques peaufinent l’intégration et le design pour un résultat souvent plus réussi d’un point de vue esthétique ou fonctionnel que les solutions à monter soi-même. Par ailleurs, elles ajoutent systématiquement des bonus comme des logiciels de gestion matérielle, de sauvegarde ou de chiffrement, qui peuvent s’avérer réellement utiles. Enfin, certains modèles de marques embarquent des composants non distribués au grand public, comme des disques durs dotés nativement d’une interface USB.

  • Sur le forum : les discussions disques durs externes

Nos autres comparatifs :

Protocole de test

Les tests sur l’ensemble des 23 disques durs externes du comparatif ont été réalisés sur l’unique machine suivante.

Configuration de test

Image 8 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Core i5-6500

  • core i5-6500
  • 88.11€
    Voir l’offre
  • 148.67€
    Voir l’offre

Carte mère
(Sockel 1151)

Image 9 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Asus Z170-Deluxe

  • asus z170-deluxe
  • 24.37€
    Voir l’offre
  • 25.01€
    Voir l’offre
  • 29.07€
    Voir l’offre
  • 54.25€
    Voir l’offre
  • 61.10€
    Voir l’offre
  • 68.20€
    Voir l’offre
Plus d’offres


Image 10 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

8 Go DDR4-2133 KLEVV

SSD pour le système

Image 11 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Crucial MX200 500 Go

  • crucial mx200 500 go
  • 50€
    Voir l’offre

ContrôleurIntel PCH Z170 SATA/600 

Image 12 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Cooler Master G450M


Image 13 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Cooler Master HAF XB EVO

Logiciels synthétiques et pratiques
AS-SSD, CrystalDiskMark

HD Tune Pro, Anvil, PCMark 8
Système d’exploitation
Windows 10 x64 Enterprise

A quoi correspondent ces benchmarks ?

PCMark 8
PCMark 8, développé par Futuremark, est un benchmark générateur de scores hautement reproductibles. Si son usage premier reste de tester l’ensemble d’une configuration, nous en avons ici extrait certains tests pratiques tirés de sa suite de tests stockage.

CrystalDiskMark permet de tester les débits séquentiels et aléatoires de n’importe quel support de stockage.

Même s’il est à la base développé pour les SSD, nous avons utilisé AS-SSD pour son test de copie de fichiers, mais également pour ses tests de débits séquentiels et aléatoires.

Anvil’s Storage Utilities
Anvil’s Storage Utilities est un utilitaire destiné à tester les supports de stockage en lecture comme en écriture, en accès séquentiels et aléatoires. Complet, ce benchmark est également capable de calculer les temps de réponse avec des blocs de 4K (sans file d’attente ou avec des files d’attente de 4 et 16 commandes), 32K et 128K. On obtient au final trois scores : un en lecture, un en écriture et un score global (qui en pratique est la somme des deux précédents).

HD Tune Pro
Très complet, ce logiciel est capable de tester les débits en lecture et écriture sur toute la surface d’un support de stockage afin de mettre en avant de possibles différences. Il est également capable de déterminer le nombre d’IOPS et le temps d’accès pour des tailles de données différentes, toujours en lecture et en écriture.

Tests pratiques : copie de fichiers, indice global

AS SSD permet de tester les performances des disques durs lors de copies de fichiers. Trois cas de figure sont possibles selon le type de données – non compressibles : copie de fichiers ISO (deux gros fichiers de 500 Mo), copie de fichiers de programmes (un répertoire de type « Program Files » avec de nombreux petits fichiers) et copie de fichiers de jeux (un mélange de fichiers de tailles variables). Le tout permet d’avoir une idée des performances des disques durs en conditions réelles, avec un mélange de lectures et d’écritures.

AS SSD – Copie de fichiers

Fichiers ISO/Programmes/Jeux – 1 Go (Mo/s)

// GalaxieMediaGraphs script v0.19.04.09 // © 2019 Galaxie Media Tous droits réservés google.charts.load(‘current’, {‘packages’:[‘corechart’,’controls’]}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawMainDashboard); function drawMainDashboard() { // ====================== // Variables du graphique // ====================== var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ [‘Modèle’, ‘Mops’, { type: ‘string’, role: ‘annotation’ }, ‘Type_Fichiers’], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,28.9,”28,9″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,11,”11″,”Programmes”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,21.9,”21,9″,”Jeux”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,26.9,”26,9″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,24.8,”24,8″,”Programmes”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,26.1,”26,1″,”Jeux”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,27.7,”27,7″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,25.5,”25,5″,”Programmes”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,26,”26″,”Jeux”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,26.8,”26,8″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,24.2,”24,2″,”Programmes”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,26.4,”26,4″,”Jeux”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,29.8,”29,8″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,10.4,”10,4″,”Programmes”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,22.2,”22,2″,”Jeux”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,28.6,”28,6″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,10.2,”10,2″,”Programmes”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,22.5,”22,5″,”Jeux”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,42,”42″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,34,”34″,”Programmes”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,36.4,”36,4″,”Jeux”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,40.1,”40,1″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,34.9,”34,9″,”Programmes”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,37.5,”37,5″,”Jeux”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,93.9,”93,9″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,37.6,”37,6″,”Programmes”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,54.8,”54,8″,”Jeux”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,41.3,”41,3″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,12.8,”12,8″,”Programmes”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,27.5,”27,5″,”Jeux”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,41.7,”41,7″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,12.1,”12,1″,”Programmes”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,27.4,”27,4″,”Jeux”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,50.7,”50,7″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,29.1,”29,1″,”Programmes”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,44.5,”44,5″,”Jeux”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,122.7,”122,7″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,85.2,”85,2″,”Programmes”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,101.3,”101,3″,”Jeux”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,38.2,”38,2″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,16.1,”16,1″,”Programmes”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,12.6,”12,6″,”Jeux”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,129.5,”129,5″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,53.6,”53,6″,”Programmes”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,17.1,”17,1″,”Jeux”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,51.5,”51,5″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,0,”0″,”Programmes”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,0,”0″,”Jeux”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,98.4,”98,4″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,19.5,”19,5″,”Programmes”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,50.4,”50,4″,”Jeux”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,71.2,”71,2″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,22.8,”22,8″,”Programmes”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,49.4,”49,4″,”Jeux”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,88.9,”88,9″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,30,”30″,”Programmes”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,53.4,”53,4″,”Jeux”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,78.7,”78,7″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,18.8,”18,8″,”Programmes”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,45.3,”45,3″,”Jeux”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,73.5,”73,5″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,18.8,”18,8″,”Programmes”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,46,”46″,”Jeux”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,105.8,”105,8″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,58.9,”58,9″,”Programmes”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,84.5,”84,5″,”Jeux”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,12.6,”12,6″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,25.1,”25,1″,”Programmes”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,50.2,”50,2″,”Jeux”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,128.3,”128,3″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,79.5,”79,5″,”Programmes”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,111.3,”111,3″,”Jeux”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,125.8,”125,8″,”Fichiers ISO”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,84.3,”84,3″,”Programmes”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,70.9,”70,9″,”Jeux”], ]); var HauteurGraphique = 1100; var TailleTexteOrdonnee = 14; var EspaceOrdonnee = 210; var TailleTexteEtiquettes = 18; var TailleTexteLegende = 14; var AffichageLegende = “none” // bottom, none var TitreChoixListe1 = “Type_Fichiers”; var NumGraphPage = 1; // Choix du Design : THFR / TGU var SiteGalaxieMedia = “THFR”; // 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Le Western Digital My Passport de 3 To a refusé de lancer les tests « Jeux » et « Programmes », quels que soient les réglages et configurations que nous avons pu essayer…

Indice global “Anvil” : Lecture, écriture

Anvil (1 Go) – Score

// GalaxieMediaGraphs script v0.19.04.09 // © 2019 Galaxie Media Tous droits réservés google.charts.load(‘current’, {‘packages’:[‘corechart’,’controls’]}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawMainDashboard); function drawMainDashboard() { // ====================== // Variables du graphique // ====================== var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ [‘Modèle’, ‘Score’, { type: ‘string’, role: ‘annotation’ }, ‘Type’], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,138.52,”138,52″,”Lecture”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,122.2,”122,2″,”Ecriture”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,260.72,”260,72″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,136.59,”136,59″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,120.86,”120,86″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,257.44,”257,44″,”Score”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,131.86,”131,86″,”Lecture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,120.81,”120,81″,”Ecriture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,252.67,”252,67″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,137.1,”137,1″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,123.77,”123,77″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,260.87,”260,87″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,138.84,”138,84″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,121.31,”121,31″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,260.15,”260,15″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,137.62,”137,62″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,123.29,”123,29″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,260.91,”260,91″,”Score”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,136.68,”136,68″,”Lecture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,121.4,”121,4″,”Ecriture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,258.08,”258,08″,”Score”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,141.82,”141,82″,”Lecture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,123.15,”123,15″,”Ecriture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,264.98,”264,98″,”Score”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,152.47,”152,47″,”Lecture”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,119.72,”119,72″,”Ecriture”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,272.19,”272,19″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,145.87,”145,87″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,137.32,”137,32″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,283.19,”283,19″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,144.26,”144,26″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,133.29,”133,29″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,277.55,”277,55″,”Score”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,161.42,”161,42″,”Lecture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,131.07,”131,07″,”Ecriture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,292.49,”292,49″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,161.04,”161,04″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,190.69,”190,69″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,351.73,”351,73″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,165.57,”165,57″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,201.27,”201,27″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,366.85,”366,85″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,155.26,”155,26″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,200.62,”200,62″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,355.87,”355,87″,”Score”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,149.66,”149,66″,”Lecture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,133.28,”133,28″,”Ecriture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,282.94,”282,94″,”Score”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,159.15,”159,15″,”Lecture”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,177.75,”177,75″,”Ecriture”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,336.9,”336,9″,”Score”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,165.37,”165,37″,”Lecture”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,191.23,”191,23″,”Ecriture”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,356.6,”356,6″,”Score”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,225.56,”225,56″,”Lecture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,155.57,”155,57″,”Ecriture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,381.13,”381,13″,”Score”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,439,”439″,”Lecture”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,433.26,”433,26″,”Ecriture”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,872.26,”872,26″,”Score”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,243.29,”243,29″,”Lecture”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,231.42,”231,42″,”Ecriture”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,474.71,”474,71″,”Score”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,419.15,”419,15″,”Lecture”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,400.54,”400,54″,”Ecriture”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,819.69,”819,69″,”Score”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,0,”0″,”Lecture”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,0,”0″,”Ecriture”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,0,”0″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,154.81,”154,81″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,189.96,”189,96″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,344.77,”344,77″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,158.19,”158,19″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,157.58,”157,58″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,315.77,”315,77″,”Score”], ]); var HauteurGraphique = 1100; var TailleTexteOrdonnee = 14; var EspaceOrdonnee = 210; var TailleTexteEtiquettes = 18; var TailleTexteLegende = 14; var AffichageLegende = “none” // bottom, none var TitreChoixListe1 = “Type”; var NumGraphPage = 2; // Choix du Design : THFR / TGU var SiteGalaxieMedia = “THFR”; // ============================== // Fin des variables du graphique // ============================== var NomDivDashboard = “dashboard_div” + NumGraphPage; var NomDivChoixListe1 = “LeftPicker1_div” + NumGraphPage; var NomDivChart = “chart_div” + NumGraphPage; document.getElementById(NomDivChart).style.height = HauteurGraphique + “px”; // PseudoResponsive if (document.body.clientWidth < 600) { TailleTexteOrdonnee -= 2; EspaceOrdonnee -= 30; TailleTexteEtiquettes -= 4; TailleTexteLegende -= 2; HauteurGraphique -= 100; }; // On extrait la première colonne de l'array 2D var Produits = data.getDistinctValues(0); // On prend les bonnes couleurs suivant le design if (SiteGalaxieMedia == "THFR") { var DesignColor = "#d92428"; }else{ var DesignColor = "#279bf8"; }; var dashboard = new google.visualization.Dashboard( document.getElementById(NomDivDashboard)); // Menu gauche 1 var LeftPicker1 = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({ 'controlType': 'CategoryFilter', 'containerId': NomDivChoixListe1, 'dataTable': data, 'options': { 'filterColumnIndex': 3, 'ui': { 'caption': TitreChoixListe1, 'labelStacking': 'vertical', 'label': '', 'allowTyping': false, 'allowMultiple': false, 'allowNone': false, //'selectedValuesLayout': 'belowStacked' }, }, 'state': {'selectedValues': ['Score']} }); var BarChart = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({ 'chartType': 'BarChart', 'containerId': NomDivChart, 'options': { 'isStacked': 'false', 'enableInteractivity': 'false', 'width': '100%', 'height': HauteurGraphique, 'colors': [DesignColor], 'chartArea': {width: '100%', height: '95%', left: EspaceOrdonnee}, 'backgroundColor' : {fillOpacity: 0.0}, 'bar': {groupWidth: '80%'}, // Espacement entre les groupes de barres 'fontName': 'Calibri', // Police par défaut 'annotations': {textStyle: {fontSize: TailleTexteEtiquettes, bold: true}}, 'axisTitlesPosition': 'out', 'hAxis': { textPosition: 'none', minValue: 0}, 'vAxis': {textStyle: {color: 'black', fontSize: TailleTexteOrdonnee, bold: true}}, 'legend': {position: AffichageLegende, alignment: 'center', maxLines : 2, textStyle: {fontSize: TailleTexteLegende, color: 'black'}}, 'animation': {duration: 500, easing: 'inAndOut', startup: true} }, 'view': {'columns': [0,1,2]} }); dashboard.bind([LeftPicker1], [BarChart]); // tri par colonne 1, desc data.sort({column: 1, desc: true}); dashboard.draw(data); };

On retrouve une nouvelle fois en tête les modèles G-RAID 16 To, G-Drive 8 To et LaCie 2big Dock 20 To, suivi des disques durs Seagate/LaCie, avec les modèles 2 To de Toshiba en embuscade.

Benchmarks pratiques : applications et jeux

PCMark 8 propose plusieurs tests permettant de reproduire le chargement et l’utilisation de différents logiciels, programmes bureautiques ou jeux. L’intérêt est de pouvoir comparer le comportement de chaque disque dur en reproduisant exactement la même charge de travail.

PCMark 8

Score et bande passante

// GalaxieMediaGraphs script v0.19.04.09 // © 2019 Galaxie Media Tous droits réservés google.charts.load(‘current’, {‘packages’:[‘corechart’,’controls’]}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawMainDashboard); function drawMainDashboard() { // ====================== // Variables du graphique // ====================== var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ [‘Modèle’, ‘Score_Mops’, { type: ‘string’, role: ‘annotation’ }, ‘Score_BP’], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,1836,”1836″,”Score”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,5.8,”5,8″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,1850,”1850″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,5.87,”5,87″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,1866,”1866″,”Score”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,5.95,”5,95″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,1853,”1853″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,5.88,”5,88″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,1879,”1879″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,6.01,”6,01″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,1875,”1875″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,5.99,”5,99″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,1947,”1947″,”Score”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,6.39,”6,39″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,1997,”1997″,”Score”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,6.68,”6,68″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,2120,”2120″,”Score”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,7.45,”7,45″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,2080,”2080″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,7.13,”7,13″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,2088,”2088″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,7.18,”7,18″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,2111,”2111″,”Score”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,7.26,”7,26″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,2044,”2044″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,7.01,”7,01″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,2166,”2166″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,7.62,”7,62″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,2201,”2201″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,7.83,”7,83″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,2338,”2338″,”Score”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,8.84,”8,84″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,2285,”2285″,”Score”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,8.37,”8,37″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,2271,”2271″,”Score”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,8.29,”8,29″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,2376,”2376″,”Score”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,8.98,”8,98″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,2445,”2445″,”Score”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,9.72,”9,72″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,2840,”2840″,”Score”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,13.1,”13,1″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,2849,”2849″,”Score”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,13.21,”13,21″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,0,”0″,”Score”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,0,”0″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,2184,”2184″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,7.76,”7,76″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,2172,”2172″,”Score”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,7.69,”7,69″,”Bande Passante (Mo/s)”], ]); var HauteurGraphique = 1100; var TailleTexteOrdonnee = 14; var EspaceOrdonnee = 210; var TailleTexteEtiquettes = 18; var TailleTexteLegende = 14; var AffichageLegende = “none” // bottom, none var TitreChoixListe1 = “Score_BP”; var NumGraphPage = 1; // Choix du Design : THFR / TGU var SiteGalaxieMedia = “THFR”; // ============================== // Fin des variables du graphique // ============================== var NomDivDashboard = “dashboard_div” + NumGraphPage; var NomDivChoixListe1 = “LeftPicker1_div” + NumGraphPage; var NomDivChart = “chart_div” + NumGraphPage; document.getElementById(NomDivChart).style.height = HauteurGraphique + “px”; // PseudoResponsive if (document.body.clientWidth < 600) { TailleTexteOrdonnee -= 2; EspaceOrdonnee -= 30; TailleTexteEtiquettes -= 4; TailleTexteLegende -= 2; HauteurGraphique -= 100; }; // On extrait la première colonne de l'array 2D var Produits = data.getDistinctValues(0); // On prend les bonnes couleurs suivant le design if (SiteGalaxieMedia == "THFR") { var DesignColor = "#d92428"; }else{ var DesignColor = "#279bf8"; }; var dashboard = new google.visualization.Dashboard( document.getElementById(NomDivDashboard)); // Menu gauche 1 var LeftPicker1 = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({ 'controlType': 'CategoryFilter', 'containerId': NomDivChoixListe1, 'dataTable': data, 'options': { 'filterColumnIndex': 3, 'ui': { 'caption': TitreChoixListe1, 'labelStacking': 'vertical', 'label': '', 'allowTyping': false, 'allowMultiple': false, 'allowNone': false, //'selectedValuesLayout': 'belowStacked' }, }, 'state': {'selectedValues': ['Score']} }); var BarChart = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({ 'chartType': 'BarChart', 'containerId': NomDivChart, 'options': { 'isStacked': 'false', 'enableInteractivity': 'false', 'width': '100%', 'height': HauteurGraphique, 'colors': [DesignColor], 'chartArea': {width: '100%', height: '95%', left: EspaceOrdonnee}, 'backgroundColor' : {fillOpacity: 0.0}, 'bar': {groupWidth: '80%'}, // Espacement entre les groupes de barres 'fontName': 'Calibri', // Police par défaut 'annotations': {textStyle: {fontSize: TailleTexteEtiquettes, bold: true}}, 'axisTitlesPosition': 'out', 'hAxis': { textPosition: 'none', minValue: 0}, 'vAxis': {textStyle: {color: 'black', fontSize: TailleTexteOrdonnee, bold: true}}, 'legend': {position: AffichageLegende, alignment: 'center', maxLines : 2, textStyle: {fontSize: TailleTexteLegende, color: 'black'}}, 'animation': {duration: 500, easing: 'inAndOut', startup: true} }, 'view': {'columns': [0,1,2]} }); dashboard.bind([LeftPicker1], [BarChart]); // tri par colonne 1, desc data.sort({column: 1, desc: true}); dashboard.draw(data); };

Applications et jeux (secondes)

// GalaxieMediaGraphs script v0.19.04.09 // © 2019 Galaxie Media Tous droits réservés google.charts.load(‘current’, {‘packages’:[‘corechart’,’controls’]}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawMainDashboard); function drawMainDashboard() { // ====================== // Variables du graphique // ====================== var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ [‘Modèle’, ‘secondes’, { type: ‘string’, role: ‘annotation’ }, ‘Appli’], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,150.1,”150,1″,”World of Warcraft”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,427.8,”427,8″,”Battlefield 3″], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,258.4,”258,4″,”Photoshop Light”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,569.7,”569,7″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,220.5,”220,5″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,197,”197″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,225.7,”225,7″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,54.9,”54,9″,”MS Word”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,29.5,”29,5″,”MS Excel”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,31.6,”31,6″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,148.5,”148,5″,”World of Warcraft”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,426.8,”426,8″,”Battlefield 3″], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,259.1,”259,1″,”Photoshop Light”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,570.8,”570,8″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,220.4,”220,4″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,198,”198″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,226.3,”226,3″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,54,”54″,”MS Word”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,28.5,”28,5″,”MS Excel”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,30.8,”30,8″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,147.5,”147,5″,”World of Warcraft”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,428.1,”428,1″,”Battlefield 3″], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,255,”255″,”Photoshop Light”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,566.4,”566,4″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,215.3,”215,3″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,193.8,”193,8″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,223.5,”223,5″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,54.1,”54,1″,”MS Word”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,28.3,”28,3″,”MS Excel”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,30.7,”30,7″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,146.9,”146,9″,”World of Warcraft”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,430.4,”430,4″,”Battlefield 3″], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,258.8,”258,8″,”Photoshop Light”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,569.5,”569,5″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,220.5,”220,5″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,196.5,”196,5″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,225.7,”225,7″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,53.7,”53,7″,”MS Word”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,28.3,”28,3″,”MS Excel”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,31.1,”31,1″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,145.1,”145,1″,”World of Warcraft”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,429.6,”429,6″,”Battlefield 3″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,252.2,”252,2″,”Photoshop Light”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,561.5,”561,5″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,215.1,”215,1″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,191.9,”191,9″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,218.9,”218,9″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,54.2,”54,2″,”MS Word”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,28.3,”28,3″,”MS Excel”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,30.7,”30,7″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,144.7,”144,7″,”World of Warcraft”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,429.7,”429,7″,”Battlefield 3″], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,255.2,”255,2″,”Photoshop Light”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,563.2,”563,2″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,215.4,”215,4″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,192.4,”192,4″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,219.9,”219,9″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,54.2,”54,2″,”MS Word”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,28.2,”28,2″,”MS Excel”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,30.8,”30,8″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,144.5,”144,5″,”World of Warcraft”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,405.1,”405,1″,”Battlefield 3″], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,245.1,”245,1″,”Photoshop Light”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,528.7,”528,7″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,202.1,”202,1″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,183.8,”183,8″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,209.7,”209,7″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,53,”53″,”MS Word”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,28.1,”28,1″,”MS Excel”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,29.9,”29,9″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,141,”141″,”World of Warcraft”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,396.6,”396,6″,”Battlefield 3″], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,237.7,”237,7″,”Photoshop Light”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,517.5,”517,5″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,200,”200″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,181,”181″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,209.4,”209,4″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,51.5,”51,5″,”MS Word”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,26.8,”26,8″,”MS Excel”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,28.3,”28,3″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,138.5,”138,5″,”World of Warcraft”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,382.3,”382,3″,”Battlefield 3″], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,219.6,”219,6″,”Photoshop Light”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,485.4,”485,4″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,180.7,”180,7″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,164.5,”164,5″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,185.8,”185,8″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,49.4,”49,4″,”MS Word”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,26.8,”26,8″,”MS Excel”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,27.3,”27,3″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,133.1,”133,1″,”World of Warcraft”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,391.5,”391,5″,”Battlefield 3″], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,230.1,”230,1″,”Photoshop Light”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,517.3,”517,3″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,186.4,”186,4″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,173,”173″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,194.3,”194,3″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,49.9,”49,9″,”MS Word”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,26.3,”26,3″,”MS Excel”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,26.6,”26,6″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,132.2,”132,2″,”World of Warcraft”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,390.1,”390,1″,”Battlefield 3″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,229.6,”229,6″,”Photoshop Light”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,517.9,”517,9″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,185.7,”185,7″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,172.4,”172,4″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,193.1,”193,1″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,49.9,”49,9″,”MS Word”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,26,”26″,”MS Excel”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,26.6,”26,6″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,131.3,”131,3″,”World of Warcraft”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,395.1,”395,1″,”Battlefield 3″], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,233.4,”233,4″,”Photoshop Light”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,556,”556″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,182.8,”182,8″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,168.2,”168,2″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,184.2,”184,2″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,49.6,”49,6″,”MS Word”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,24.8,”24,8″,”MS Excel”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,25,”25″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,130.1,”130,1″,”World of Warcraft”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,368.4,”368,4″,”Battlefield 3″], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,252.5,”252,5″,”Photoshop Light”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,676.4,”676,4″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,195.6,”195,6″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,157.1,”157,1″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,176.4,”176,4″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,50.8,”50,8″,”MS Word”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,27.6,”27,6″,”MS Excel”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,26,”26″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,128.7,”128,7″,”World of Warcraft”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,368.9,”368,9″,”Battlefield 3″], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,228,”228″,”Photoshop Light”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,528.2,”528,2″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,169.3,”169,3″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,155.7,”155,7″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,175.8,”175,8″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,49.8,”49,8″,”MS Word”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,26.3,”26,3″,”MS Excel”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,26.1,”26,1″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,125.7,”125,7″,”World of Warcraft”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,368.5,”368,5″,”Battlefield 3″], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,226.9,”226,9″,”Photoshop Light”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,513.3,”513,3″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,170.7,”170,7″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,154.5,”154,5″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,174.9,”174,9″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,49.3,”49,3″,”MS Word”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,25.3,”25,3″,”MS Excel”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,24.9,”24,9″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,123.9,”123,9″,”World of Warcraft”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,350.3,”350,3″,”Battlefield 3″], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,203.2,”203,2″,”Photoshop Light”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,467.3,”467,3″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,159.4,”159,4″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,150.8,”150,8″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,166,”166″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,46.5,”46,5″,”MS Word”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,23.7,”23,7″,”MS Excel”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,23.4,”23,4″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,121.6,”121,6″,”World of Warcraft”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,345.6,”345,6″,”Battlefield 3″], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,217.7,”217,7″,”Photoshop Light”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,503.2,”503,2″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,167.4,”167,4″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,150.3,”150,3″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,171.1,”171,1″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,47.7,”47,7″,”MS Word”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,23.4,”23,4″,”MS Excel”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,35,”35″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,117.4,”117,4″,”World of Warcraft”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,371.6,”371,6″,”Battlefield 3″], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,224.1,”224,1″,”Photoshop Light”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,505.7,”505,7″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,169.3,”169,3″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,151.8,”151,8″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,169.2,”169,2″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,47.3,”47,3″,”MS Word”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,23.5,”23,5″,”MS Excel”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,23.6,”23,6″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,115.1,”115,1″,”World of Warcraft”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,335.8,”335,8″,”Battlefield 3″], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,222.9,”222,9″,”Photoshop Light”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,508.2,”508,2″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,156.6,”156,6″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,144.9,”144,9″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,160.5,”160,5″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,45.9,”45,9″,”MS Word”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,21.9,”21,9″,”MS Excel”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,22.4,”22,4″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,114.4,”114,4″,”World of Warcraft”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,310.4,”310,4″,”Battlefield 3″], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,190,”190″,”Photoshop Light”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,447.8,”447,8″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 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Gen1)”,124.9,”124,9″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,138.1,”138,1″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,40.5,”40,5″,”MS Word”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,18.8,”18,8″,”MS Excel”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,18.5,”18,5″,”MS Powerpoint”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,98.6,”98,6″,”World of Warcraft”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,269.3,”269,3″,”Battlefield 3″], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,170.4,”170,4″,”Photoshop Light”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,431,”431″,”Photoshop Heavy”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,123,”123″,”Adobe InDesign”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,124.9,”124,9″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,133.6,”133,6″,”Adobe Illustrator”], 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(USB 3.0)”,152.8,”152,8″,”Adobe After Effects”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,172,”172″,”Adobe Illustrator”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,49,”49″,”MS Word”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,25.4,”25,4″,”MS Excel”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,25.2,”25,2″,”MS Powerpoint”], ]); var HauteurGraphique = 1100; var TailleTexteOrdonnee = 14; var EspaceOrdonnee = 210; var TailleTexteEtiquettes = 18; var TailleTexteLegende = 14; var AffichageLegende = “none” // bottom, none var TitreChoixListe1 = “Appli”; var NumGraphPage = 2; // Choix du Design : THFR / TGU var SiteGalaxieMedia = “THFR”; // ============================== // Fin des variables du graphique // ============================== var NomDivDashboard = “dashboard_div” + NumGraphPage; var NomDivChoixListe1 = “LeftPicker1_div” + NumGraphPage; var NomDivChart = “chart_div” + NumGraphPage; document.getElementById(NomDivChart).style.height = HauteurGraphique + “px”; // PseudoResponsive if 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google.visualization.ChartWrapper({ 'chartType': 'BarChart', 'containerId': NomDivChart, 'options': { 'isStacked': 'false', 'enableInteractivity': 'false', 'width': '100%', 'height': HauteurGraphique, 'colors': [DesignColor], 'chartArea': {width: '100%', height: '95%', left: EspaceOrdonnee}, 'backgroundColor' : {fillOpacity: 0.0}, 'bar': {groupWidth: '80%'}, // Espacement entre les groupes de barres 'fontName': 'Calibri', // Police par défaut 'annotations': {textStyle: {fontSize: TailleTexteEtiquettes, bold: true}}, 'axisTitlesPosition': 'out', 'hAxis': { textPosition: 'none', minValue: 0}, 'vAxis': {textStyle: {color: 'black', fontSize: TailleTexteOrdonnee, bold: true}}, 'legend': {position: AffichageLegende, alignment: 'center', maxLines : 2, textStyle: {fontSize: TailleTexteLegende, color: 'black'}}, 'animation': {duration: 500, easing: 'inAndOut', startup: true} }, 'view': {'columns': [0,1,2]} }); dashboard.bind([LeftPicker1], [BarChart]); // tri par colonne 1, desc data.sort({column: 1, desc: false}); dashboard.draw(data); };

Lectures, écritures et temps d’accès

Débits séquentiels maximum

Commençons avec CrystalDiskMark et ses tests de débits séquentiels (lecture et écriture). Ce logiciel permettant de définir la longueur de la file de commandes, nous avons testé les différents disques durs sans file d’attente (autrement dit avec une longueur de file de commande Q1) et avec 32 commandes en file d’attente (Q32), mais toujours avec un seul thread.

CrystalDiskMark – Débits Séquentiels (Mo/s)

// GalaxieMediaGraphs script v0.19.04.09 // © 2019 Galaxie Media Tous droits réservés google.charts.load(‘current’, {‘packages’:[‘corechart’,’controls’]}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawMainDashboard); function drawMainDashboard() { // ====================== // Variables du graphique // ====================== var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ [‘Modèle’, ‘Mops’, { type: ‘string’, role: ‘annotation’ }, ‘Read_Write’, ‘Taille’], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,116.6,”116,6″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,116.4,”116,4″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,116.7,”116,7″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,116.7,”116,7″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,114.3,”114,3″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,113.3,”113,3″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,114.3,”114,3″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,113.6,”113,6″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,111.6,”111,6″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,112.8,”112,8″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,112.5,”112,5″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,113.2,”113,2″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,117.9,”117,9″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,117.9,”117,9″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,118.1,”118,1″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,118,”118″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,117,”117″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,116.4,”116,4″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,117.2,”117,2″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,115.6,”115,6″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,114.5,”114,5″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,114.3,”114,3″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,114.6,”114,6″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,114.6,”114,6″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,112.2,”112,2″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,111.8,”111,8″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,111.7,”111,7″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,111.9,”111,9″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,116.5,”116,5″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,116.3,”116,3″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,116.2,”116,2″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,116.3,”116,3″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,141.2,”141,2″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,129.2,”129,2″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,140.9,”140,9″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,124.1,”124,1″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,120.4,”120,4″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,125.8,”125,8″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,121.3,”121,3″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,127.9,”127,9″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,125.4,”125,4″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,126.7,”126,7″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,124.3,”124,3″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,126.7,”126,7″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,140.3,”140,3″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,136.5,”136,5″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,140.5,”140,5″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,135.1,”135,1″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,137,”137″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,86.3,”86,3″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,136.4,”136,4″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,143.1,”143,1″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,143.8,”143,8″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,147.9,”147,9″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,144.6,”144,6″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,149.8,”149,8″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,150.4,”150,4″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,156.8,”156,8″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,150.9,”150,9″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,157.3,”157,3″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,127.7,”127,7″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,124.8,”124,8″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,125.1,”125,1″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,125,”125″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,139.1,”139,1″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,137.4,”137,4″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,137.3,”137,3″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,128.3,”128,3″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,137.6,”137,6″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,130.6,”130,6″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,136,”136″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,136.1,”136,1″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,202.9,”202,9″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,186.9,”186,9″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,202.5,”202,5″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,197.1,”197,1″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,420.4,”420,4″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,422,”422″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,132.2,”132,2″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,171.7,”171,7″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,204,”204″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,205.4,”205,4″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,152.8,”152,8″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,137.8,”137,8″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,387.5,”387,5″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,380.3,”380,3″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,155.2,”155,2″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,197.8,”197,8″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,199.5,”199,5″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,198.4,”198,4″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,199.4,”199,4″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,198.2,”198,2″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,140,”140″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,156.6,”156,6″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,140.2,”140,2″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,154.1,”154,1″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,137.1,”137,1″,”Lecture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,92.9,”92,9″,”Ecriture”,”Q1″], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,138.8,”138,8″,”Lecture”,”Q32″], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,137.2,”137,2″,”Ecriture”,”Q32″], ]); var HauteurGraphique = 1100; var TailleTexteOrdonnee = 14; var EspaceOrdonnee = 210; var TailleTexteEtiquettes = 18; var TailleTexteLegende = 14; var AffichageLegende = “none” // bottom, none var TitreChoixListe1 = “Taille données:”; var TitreChoixListe2 = “Read_Write”; var NumGraphPage = 1; // Choix du Design : THFR / TGU var SiteGalaxieMedia = “THFR”; // ============================== // Fin des variables du graphique // ============================== var NomDivDashboard = “dashboard_div” + NumGraphPage; var NomDivChoixListe1 = “LeftPicker1_div” + NumGraphPage; var NomDivChoixListe2 = “LeftPicker2_div” + NumGraphPage; var NomDivChart = “chart_div” + NumGraphPage; document.getElementById(NomDivChart).style.height = HauteurGraphique + “px”; // PseudoResponsive if (document.body.clientWidth < 600) { TailleTexteOrdonnee -= 2; EspaceOrdonnee -= 30; TailleTexteEtiquettes -= 4; TailleTexteLegende -= 2; HauteurGraphique -= 100; }; // On extrait la première colonne de l'array 2D var Produits = data.getDistinctValues(0); // On prend les bonnes couleurs suivant le design if (SiteGalaxieMedia == "THFR") { var DesignColor = "#d92428"; }else{ var DesignColor = "#279bf8"; }; var dashboard = new google.visualization.Dashboard( document.getElementById(NomDivDashboard)); // Menu gauche 1 var LeftPicker1 = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({ 'controlType': 'CategoryFilter', 'containerId': NomDivChoixListe1, 'dataTable': data, 'options': { 'filterColumnIndex': 3, 'ui': { 'caption': TitreChoixListe1, 'labelStacking': 'vertical', 'label': '', 'allowTyping': false, 'allowMultiple': false, 'allowNone': false, //'selectedValuesLayout': 'belowStacked' }, }, 'state': {'selectedValues': ['Lecture']} }); // Menu gauche 2 var LeftPicker2 = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({ 'controlType': 'CategoryFilter', 'containerId': NomDivChoixListe2, 'dataTable': data, 'options': { 'filterColumnIndex': 4, 'ui': { 'caption': TitreChoixListe2, 'labelStacking': 'vertical', 'label': '', 'allowTyping': false, 'allowMultiple': false, 'allowNone': false, //'selectedValuesLayout': 'belowStacked' }, }, 'state': {'selectedValues': ['Q1']} }); var BarChart = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({ 'chartType': 'BarChart', 'containerId': NomDivChart, 'options': { 'isStacked': 'false', 'enableInteractivity': 'false', 'width': '100%', 'height': HauteurGraphique, 'colors': [DesignColor], 'chartArea': {width: '100%', height: '95%', left: EspaceOrdonnee}, 'backgroundColor' : {fillOpacity: 0.0}, 'bar': {groupWidth: '80%'}, // Espacement entre les groupes de barres 'fontName': 'Calibri', // Police par défaut 'annotations': {textStyle: {fontSize: TailleTexteEtiquettes, bold: true}}, 'axisTitlesPosition': 'out', 'hAxis': { textPosition: 'none', minValue: 0}, 'vAxis': {textStyle: {color: 'black', fontSize: TailleTexteOrdonnee, bold: true}}, 'legend': {position: AffichageLegende, alignment: 'center', maxLines : 2, textStyle: {fontSize: TailleTexteLegende, color: 'black'}}, 'animation': {duration: 500, easing: 'inAndOut', startup: true} }, 'view': {'columns': [0,1,2]} }); dashboard.bind([LeftPicker1, LeftPicker2], [BarChart]); // tri par colonne 1, desc data.sort({column: 1, desc: true}); dashboard.draw(data); };

Les cinq premiers modèles utilisent un ou plusieurs disques durs au format 3,5 pouces, ce qui explique leurs très bonnes performances. Le G-RAID 16 To est en tête de la course avec des débits de 420 Mo/s en lecture comme en écriture ! Derrière lui, le LaCie 2big Dock dépasse les 380 Mo/s. Les autres modèles 3,5 pouces sont à peu près jeu égal, à une poignée de Mo/s près. Un cran en dessous, on trouve les autres modèles, équipés d’un disque au format 2,5 pouces.

De manière surprenante, le G-RAID 16 To chute au milieu du classement si l’on allonge la longueur de la file d’attente. Le G-Drive 8 To passe quand à lui derrière les deux Seagate au format 3,5 pouces et le LaCie 2bgid Dock, également équipés de disques durs Seagate.

AS SSD permet également de tester les débits séquentiels. Intéressons-nous aux débits en lecture et en écriture.

AS SSD – Débits séquentiels – 1 Go (Mo/s)

// GalaxieMediaGraphs script v0.19.04.09 // © 2019 Galaxie Media Tous droits réservés google.charts.load(‘current’, {‘packages’:[‘corechart’,’controls’]}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawMainDashboard); function drawMainDashboard() { // ====================== // Variables du graphique // ====================== var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ [‘Modèle’, ‘Mops’, { type: ‘string’, role: ‘annotation’ }, ‘Read_Write’], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,111.2,”111,2″,”Lecture”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,110.3,”110,3″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,108.7,”108,7″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,107.4,”107,4″,”Ecriture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,106.9,”106,9″,”Lecture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,106.2,”106,2″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,111.4,”111,4″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,111.7,”111,7″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,111.7,”111,7″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,110.2,”110,2″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,112.3,”112,3″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,110.2,”110,2″,”Ecriture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,106.2,”106,2″,”Lecture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,106.1,”106,1″,”Ecriture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,110,”110″,”Lecture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,78.7,”78,7″,”Ecriture”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,131.8,”131,8″,”Lecture”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,92.4,”92,4″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,119.1,”119,1″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,124.2,”124,2″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,115.2,”115,2″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,119.3,”119,3″,”Ecriture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,132.3,”132,3″,”Lecture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,103.2,”103,2″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,137.8,”137,8″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,113.1,”113,1″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,138,”138″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,134.2,”134,2″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,136.7,”136,7″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,134.9,”134,9″,”Ecriture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,119.9,”119,9″,”Lecture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,111.5,”111,5″,”Ecriture”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,131.7,”131,7″,”Lecture”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,123.8,”123,8″,”Ecriture”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,134.5,”134,5″,”Lecture”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,130,”130″,”Ecriture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,192.3,”192,3″,”Lecture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,133.8,”133,8″,”Ecriture”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,393.9,”393,9″,”Lecture”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,407.6,”407,6″,”Ecriture”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,192.6,”192,6″,”Lecture”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,194.4,”194,4″,”Ecriture”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,380.5,”380,5″,”Lecture”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,282,”282″,”Ecriture”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,182.8,”182,8″,”Lecture”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,133.1,”133,1″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,128,”128″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,122.7,”122,7″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,133.4,”133,4″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,122.4,”122,4″,”Ecriture”], ]); var HauteurGraphique = 1100; var TailleTexteOrdonnee = 14; var EspaceOrdonnee = 210; var TailleTexteEtiquettes = 18; var TailleTexteLegende = 14; var AffichageLegende = “none” // bottom, none var TitreChoixListe1 = “Read_Write”; var NumGraphPage = 2; // Choix du Design : THFR / TGU var SiteGalaxieMedia = “THFR”; // ============================== // Fin des variables du graphique // ============================== var NomDivDashboard = “dashboard_div” + NumGraphPage; var NomDivChoixListe1 = “LeftPicker1_div” + NumGraphPage; var NomDivChart = “chart_div” + NumGraphPage; document.getElementById(NomDivChart).style.height = HauteurGraphique + “px”; // PseudoResponsive if (document.body.clientWidth < 600) { TailleTexteOrdonnee -= 2; EspaceOrdonnee -= 30; TailleTexteEtiquettes -= 4; TailleTexteLegende -= 2; HauteurGraphique -= 100; }; // On extrait la première colonne de l'array 2D var Produits = data.getDistinctValues(0); // On prend les bonnes couleurs suivant le design if (SiteGalaxieMedia == "THFR") { var DesignColor = "#d92428"; }else{ var DesignColor = "#279bf8"; }; var dashboard = new google.visualization.Dashboard( document.getElementById(NomDivDashboard)); // Menu gauche 1 var LeftPicker1 = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({ 'controlType': 'CategoryFilter', 'containerId': NomDivChoixListe1, 'dataTable': data, 'options': { 'filterColumnIndex': 3, 'ui': { 'caption': TitreChoixListe1, 'labelStacking': 'vertical', 'label': '', 'allowTyping': false, 'allowMultiple': false, 'allowNone': false, //'selectedValuesLayout': 'belowStacked' }, }, 'state': {'selectedValues': ['Lecture']} }); var BarChart = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({ 'chartType': 'BarChart', 'containerId': NomDivChart, 'options': { 'isStacked': 'false', 'enableInteractivity': 'false', 'width': '100%', 'height': HauteurGraphique, 'colors': [DesignColor], 'chartArea': {width: '100%', height: '95%', left: EspaceOrdonnee}, 'backgroundColor' : {fillOpacity: 0.0}, 'bar': {groupWidth: '80%'}, // Espacement entre les groupes de barres 'fontName': 'Calibri', // Police par défaut 'annotations': {textStyle: {fontSize: TailleTexteEtiquettes, bold: true}}, 'axisTitlesPosition': 'out', 'hAxis': { textPosition: 'none', minValue: 0}, 'vAxis': {textStyle: {color: 'black', fontSize: TailleTexteOrdonnee, bold: true}}, 'legend': {position: AffichageLegende, alignment: 'center', maxLines : 2, textStyle: {fontSize: TailleTexteLegende, color: 'black'}}, 'animation': {duration: 500, easing: 'inAndOut', startup: true} }, 'view': {'columns': [0,1,2]} }); dashboard.bind([LeftPicker1], [BarChart]); // tri par colonne 1, desc data.sort({column: 1, desc: true}); dashboard.draw(data); };

Sans surprise, ASSSD donne à peu près le même classement, avec toujours les G-RAID 16 To, G-Drive 8 To et LaCie 2big Dock 20 To en tête.

Débits séquentiels moyens

Contrairement à CrystalDiskMark et AS SSD, HD Tune permet de mettre en évidence des différences de performances sur la totalité de l’espace de stockage. Du coup, une valeur moyenne éloignée de la valeur maximale relevée par CrystalDiskMark ou AS SSD indique que le débit varie sensiblement selon l’emplacement des données sur le disque dur.

HD Tune – Débits moyens (Mo/s)

// GalaxieMediaGraphs script v0.19.04.09 // © 2019 Galaxie Media Tous droits réservés google.charts.load(‘current’, {‘packages’:[‘corechart’,’controls’]}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawMainDashboard); function drawMainDashboard() { // ====================== // Variables du graphique // ====================== var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ [‘Modèle’, ‘Mops’, { type: ‘string’, role: ‘annotation’ }, ‘Read_Write’], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,88.6,”88,6″,”Lecture”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,85.5,”85,5″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,88.5,”88,5″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,85.3,”85,3″,”Ecriture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,86.7,”86,7″,”Lecture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,83.6,”83,6″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,89.6,”89,6″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,86.4,”86,4″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,90.2,”90,2″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,86.6,”86,6″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,90.3,”90,3″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,86.9,”86,9″,”Ecriture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,84.9,”84,9″,”Lecture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,81,”81″,”Ecriture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,86.3,”86,3″,”Lecture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,82.6,”82,6″,”Ecriture”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,109.3,”109,3″,”Lecture”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,102.2,”102,2″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,96.2,”96,2″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,97,”97″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,95.8,”95,8″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,93.9,”93,9″,”Ecriture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,104.8,”104,8″,”Lecture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,95.9,”95,9″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,116.2,”116,2″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,69.6,”69,6″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,105.2,”105,2″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,44.9,”44,9″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,135.8,”135,8″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,38.7,”38,7″,”Ecriture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,95.9,”95,9″,”Lecture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,94.6,”94,6″,”Ecriture”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,100.6,”100,6″,”Lecture”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,87.8,”87,8″,”Ecriture”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,106.3,”106,3″,”Lecture”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,88.7,”88,7″,”Ecriture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,151.3,”151,3″,”Lecture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,134,”134″,”Ecriture”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,266.8,”266,8″,”Lecture”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,255.8,”255,8″,”Ecriture”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,166.9,”166,9″,”Lecture”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,165.3,”165,3″,”Ecriture”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,215.6,”215,6″,”Lecture”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,229.1,”229,1″,”Ecriture”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,151.9,”151,9″,”Lecture”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,134.2,”134,2″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,103.7,”103,7″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,51.4,”51,4″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,107,”107″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,107.7,”107,7″,”Ecriture”], ]); var HauteurGraphique = 1100; var TailleTexteOrdonnee = 14; var EspaceOrdonnee = 210; var TailleTexteEtiquettes = 18; var TailleTexteLegende = 14; var AffichageLegende = “none” // bottom, none var TitreChoixListe1 = “Read_Write”; var NumGraphPage = 3; // Choix du Design : THFR / TGU var SiteGalaxieMedia = “THFR”; // ============================== // Fin des variables du graphique // ============================== var NomDivDashboard = “dashboard_div” + NumGraphPage; var NomDivChoixListe1 = “LeftPicker1_div” + NumGraphPage; var NomDivChart = “chart_div” + NumGraphPage; document.getElementById(NomDivChart).style.height = HauteurGraphique + “px”; // PseudoResponsive if (document.body.clientWidth < 600) { TailleTexteOrdonnee -= 2; EspaceOrdonnee -= 30; TailleTexteEtiquettes -= 4; TailleTexteLegende -= 2; HauteurGraphique -= 100; }; // On extrait la première colonne de l'array 2D var Produits = data.getDistinctValues(0); // On prend les bonnes couleurs suivant le design if (SiteGalaxieMedia == "THFR") { var DesignColor = "#d92428"; 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dashboard.bind([LeftPicker1], [BarChart]); // tri par colonne 1, desc data.sort({column: 1, desc: true}); dashboard.draw(data); };

S’ils sont rapides en lecture, les Toshiba Canvio Advance et Premium en version 2 To offrent des performances instables en écriture, avec de fortes chutes du débit, peut-être à cause d’une incompatibilité avec le logiciel de bench. Ce comportement, que l’on retrouve également avec la version Basics 2 To, se traduit par une faible moyenne en écriture dans ce bench. Dans la catégorie 2,5 pouces, le G-Drive mobile arrive donc globalement en tête.

En écriture, le LaCie Porsche 4 To cède du terrain et se fait dépasser par les disques durs de 3 To de Western Digital et Toshiba. Les deux Seagate 3,5 pouces sont bien entendu plus rapides, en lecture comme en écriture, mais ce sont les G-Drive 8 To, G-RAID 16 To et LaCie 2big Dock qui montent sur les trois premières marches du podium.

Performances avec HD Tune, sur la totalité de l’espace de stockage (Mo/s) :

// GalaxieMediaGraphs script v0.19.04.09 // © 2019 Galaxie Media Tous droits réservés google.charts.load(‘current’, {‘packages’:[‘corechart’,’controls’]}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawMainDashboard); function drawMainDashboard() { // ====================== // Variables du graphique // ====================== var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ [‘Modèle’, ‘Mops’, { type: ‘string’, role: ‘annotation’ }, ‘Read_Write’, ‘Min_Max’], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,53.9,”53,9″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,52.1,”52,1″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,114,”114″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,110.2,”110,2″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,52.9,”52,9″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,51.5,”51,5″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,113.5,”113,5″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,109.9,”109,9″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,50.2,”50,2″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,46.6,”46,6″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,114,”114″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,110.7,”110,7″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,53.9,”53,9″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,51.9,”51,9″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,115.5,”115,5″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,111.6,”111,6″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,56.2,”56,2″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,54.4,”54,4″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,116.4,”116,4″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,111.3,”111,3″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,54.7,”54,7″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,53.1,”53,1″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,114,”114″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,110.4,”110,4″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,49.4,”49,4″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,47,”47″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,112.8,”112,8″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,107.7,”107,7″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,48.4,”48,4″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,47.5,”47,5″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,114,”114″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,109.7,”109,7″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,65.9,”65,9″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,62.6,”62,6″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,140.6,”140,6″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,132.3,”132,3″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,58.7,”58,7″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,56.9,”56,9″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,125.3,”125,3″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,126.3,”126,3″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,59.1,”59,1″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,56.8,”56,8″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,123.9,”123,9″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,120.1,”120,1″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,60.2,”60,2″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,52.7,”52,7″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,143.3,”143,3″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,131.7,”131,7″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,70.3,”70,3″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,0.1,”0,1″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,143.8,”143,8″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,124.9,”124,9″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,66.6,”66,6″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,0,”0″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,123.3,”123,3″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,107.3,”107,3″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,66.6,”66,6″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,0,”0″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,110.3,”110,3″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,119,”119″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,58.2,”58,2″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,57.7,”57,7″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,125.3,”125,3″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,123.7,”123,7″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,55.5,”55,5″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,45.7,”45,7″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,133.1,”133,1″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,125,”125″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,56.7,”56,7″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,42.4,”42,4″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,138.8,”138,8″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,123.6,”123,6″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,85.8,”85,8″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,67.7,”67,7″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,199.9,”199,9″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,182.3,”182,3″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,183,”183″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,177.1,”177,1″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,299.2,”299,2″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,312.1,”312,1″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,100,”100″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,98.7,”98,7″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,211.4,”211,4″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,211.4,”211,4″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,203.7,”203,7″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,186.6,”186,6″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,245.2,”245,2″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,256,”256″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,87.9,”87,9″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,64.3,”64,3″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,194.8,”194,8″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,182.5,”182,5″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,57.4,”57,4″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,6.6,”6,6″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,135.8,”135,8″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,137.9,”137,9″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,59.6,”59,6″,”Lecture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,7.4,”7,4″,”Ecriture”,”Minimum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,143.7,”143,7″,”Lecture”,”Maximum”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,152.8,”152,8″,”Ecriture”,”Maximum”], ]); var HauteurGraphique = 1100; var TailleTexteOrdonnee = 14; var EspaceOrdonnee = 210; var TailleTexteEtiquettes = 18; var TailleTexteLegende = 14; var AffichageLegende = “none” // bottom, none var TitreChoixListe1 = “Read_Write”; var TitreChoixListe2 = “Min_Max”; var NumGraphPage = 4; // Choix du Design : THFR / TGU var SiteGalaxieMedia = “THFR”; // ============================== // Fin des variables du graphique // ============================== var NomDivDashboard = “dashboard_div” + NumGraphPage; var NomDivChoixListe1 = “LeftPicker1_div” + NumGraphPage; var 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Mesures des temps d’accès moyens

AS SSD – 1 Go (ms)

// GalaxieMediaGraphs script v0.19.04.09 // © 2019 Galaxie Media Tous droits réservés google.charts.load(‘current’, {‘packages’:[‘corechart’,’controls’]}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawMainDashboard); function drawMainDashboard() { // ====================== // Variables du graphique // ====================== var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ [‘Modèle’, ‘Mops’, { type: ‘string’, role: ‘annotation’ }, ‘Read_Write’], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,17.57,”17,57″,”Lecture”], [“Sony HD-SP1 1 To (USB 3.0)”,22.49,”22,49″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,17.6,”17,6″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To (USB 3.0)”,20.23,”20,23″,”Ecriture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,17.73,”17,73″,”Lecture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To (USB 3.0)”,21.41,”21,41″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,17.61,”17,61″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To (USB 3.0)”,19.9,”19,9″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,17.68,”17,68″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To (USB 3.0)”,23.07,”23,07″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,17.63,”17,63″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To (USB 3.0)”,23.28,”23,28″,”Ecriture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,16.54,”16,54″,”Lecture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 1 To (USB 3.0)”,13.74,”13,74″,”Ecriture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,16.23,”16,23″,”Lecture”], [“Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To”,13.84,”13,84″,”Ecriture”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,15.77,”15,77″,”Lecture”], [“G-Technology G-Drive mobile USB-C 1 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,15.26,”15,26″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,18.17,”18,17″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To (USB 3.0)”,16.1,”16,1″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,17.98,”17,98″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To (USB 3.0)”,16.3,”16,3″,”Ecriture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,19.09,”19,09″,”Lecture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To (USB 3.0)”,16.66,”16,66″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,18.39,”18,39″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To (USB 3.0)”,5.83,”5,83″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,18.38,”18,38″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To (USB 3.0)”,5.92,”5,92″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,18.32,”18,32″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To (USB 3.0)”,5.97,”5,97″,”Ecriture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,21.46,”21,46″,”Lecture”], [“WD My Passport Ultra 3 To (USB 3.0)”,0,”0″,”Ecriture”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,18.07,”18,07″,”Lecture”], [“LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,6.45,”6,45″,”Ecriture”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,17.63,”17,63″,”Lecture”], [“LaCie Rugged USB-C 4 To (USB 3.0 TypeC)”,8.52,”8,52″,”Ecriture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,14.03,”14,03″,”Lecture”], [“Seagate Backup Plus Drive 8 To (USB 3.0)”,7.87,”7,87″,”Ecriture”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,13.05,”13,05″,”Lecture”], [“G-Drive G-RAID with Thunderbolt 3 16To (USB 3.1 Gen2)”,1.66,”1,66″,”Ecriture”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,12.84,”12,84″,”Lecture”], [“G-Drive G-Drive with Thunderbolt 3 8To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,2.69,”2,69″,”Ecriture”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,12.26,”12,26″,”Lecture”], [“LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To (USB 3.1 Gen1)”,1.38,”1,38″,”Ecriture”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,20.9,”20,9″,”Lecture”], [“Seagate Innov8 8 To (USB 3.1 Type-C)”,0,”0″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,18.26,”18,26″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To (USB 3.0)”,5.73,”5,73″,”Ecriture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,18.23,”18,23″,”Lecture”], [“Toshiba Canvio Advance 4 To (USB 3.0)”,6.19,”6,19″,”Ecriture”], ]); 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dashboard.bind([LeftPicker1], [BarChart]); // tri par colonne 1, desc data.sort({column: 1, desc: false}); dashboard.draw(data); };

Les modèles avec une vitesse de rotation de 7200 tours par minute ont globalement un meilleur temps d’accès en lecture. En écriture, les résultats sont plus difficiles à interpréter, le cache RAM interférant parfois avec les performances purement mécaniques.

Tous les modèles testés classés par marque


Image 14 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Buffalo MiniStation Safe 2 To

Image 15 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Buffalo MiniStation Extreme 1 To


Image 16 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

G-Technology G-DRIVE mobile USB-C 1To

Image 17 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

G-RAID Thunderbolt3 16 To

Image 18 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

G-Drive Thunderbolt3 8 To


Image 19 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

LaCie 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 20 To

Image 20 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

LaCie Porsche Design Mobile P9227 4 To

Image 21 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

LaCie Rugged 4 To USB-C

  • lacie rugged 4 to usb-c
  • 238.65€
    Voir l’offre


Image 22 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Seagate Backup Plus Ultra Slim 2 To

Image 23 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Seagate Backup Plus Hub 8 To

  • seagate backup plus hub 8 to
  • 725.09€
    Voir l’offre
Image 24 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Seagate Innov8 8 To


Image 25 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Sony HD-SP1 2.5 ” 1 Go


Image 26 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Toshiba Canvio Advance 2 To

  • toshiba canvio advance 2 to
  • 71.90€
    Voir l’offre
  • 85.70€
    Voir l’offre
  • 85.71€
    Voir l’offre
  • 98€
    Voir l’offre
  • 132.02€
    Voir l’offre
  • 139.99€
    Voir l’offre
  • 140.08€
    Voir l’offre
Plus d’offres
Image 27 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Toshiba Canvio AeroCast 1 To

Image 28 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Toshiba Canvio Basics 2 To

  • toshiba canvio basics 2 to
  • 79.45€
    Voir l’offre
  • 88.06€
    Voir l’offre
  • 92.40€
    Voir l’offre
  • 94€
    Voir l’offre
  • 94.86€
    Voir l’offre
  • 99.99€
    Voir l’offre
Plus d’offres
Image 29 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Toshiba Canvio Basics 3 To

  • toshiba canvio basics 3 to
  • 59.21€
    Voir l’offre
  • 79.45€
    Voir l’offre
  • 88.06€
    Voir l’offre
  • 92.40€
    Voir l’offre
  • 94€
    Voir l’offre
  • 94€
    Voir l’offre
  • 94.86€
    Voir l’offre
  • 99.99€
    Voir l’offre
  • 128.13€
    Voir l’offre
  • 129€
    Voir l’offre
Plus d’offres
Image 30 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 To

Image 31 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Toshiba Canvio Ready 2 To

  • toshiba canvio ready 2 to
  • 81.99€
    Voir l’offre
Image 31 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Toshiba Canvio Ready 3 To

  • toshiba canvio ready 3 to
  • 65.79€
    Voir l’offre
  • 69.99€
    Voir l’offre
Image 3 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 To

Rapport perfs/prix

  • toshiba canvio ready 4 to
  • 233.75€
    Voir l’offre
Image 34 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Toshiba Canvio Premium 1 To

Image 35 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Toshiba Canvio Premium 2 To

Western Digital

Image 36 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Western Digital My Passport Ultra 1 To

Image 37 : Comparatif : les meilleurs disques durs externes USB 3.0/3.1

Western Digital My Passport Ultra 3 To